Friday 3 April 2020

Fashion with Trend

As people around the country wind down their third week of self-isolation, FASHION is reaching out to some of our favourite Canadians to get a peek into how they’re living their lives in lockdown (remember: #StayAtHomeSaveLives). Each week, keep an eye out for new self-isolation diaries from actors, designers, athletes and artists who are riding this uncertain time out with us.

Bianca Andreescu, Athlete

We are obviously going through a very tough time and it’s heartbreaking to see it all over the news every day. Why is this happening? When will this end? What more can we do to prevent it? I keep saying that I feel like we are in a movie. But, sadly… we are not.
This is real life and it’s so tough to watch others not take warnings and social distancing seriously. While elderly people are the most affected (based on the research they’ve seen so far, although that changes every day), anyone can be a victim of this! It only takes one person to spread the virus and I think the shutting down of public places is the right thing to do. The message remains clear: STAY HOME!
I know it’s hard for those whose lives have been put on pause in one way or another, myself included. It’s tough being away from what you love but with what is going on in our world today, this is beyond our control. All we can control is how we react to it. We can choose to act in fear, and let that drive our thoughts and actions or we can choose to act in strength and unity, and use knowledge, resources and the support of each other to promote productivity and safety for us all.
We can also use this time with our families, form connections that maybe weren’t there before or strengthen our relationships and make new memories together. This is also the time when we can explore things we’ve never done before and who knows, maybe it turns into a new passion or hobby! We can also work on ourselves. I’ve started a personal development program and let me tell you, it is already starting to change my life for the better.

I truly believe that there is a spiritual meaning behind everything that happens; everything has a deeper, underlying reason. As we reflect on what is currently going on in the world, this time is a reminder of a few things:  
1. We are all equal and human: Regardless of our culture, race, gender, religion, occupation, financial status etc, this disease treats us equally and does not discriminate. Maybe it’s time we all do the same!
2. Your health should not be taken for granted: We should be thankful each and every day for good health and continue to uplift and support those who do not.
3. We are all connected: Something that affects one person has an affect on us all, one way or another.

In terms of what I’ve been doing during social distancing, every day I’m trying to be as productive and positive as I can be during this time.
I am reading a lot. I enjoy reading personal development books about all aspect of life (healthy eating, spirituality, understanding the science and history of human existence etc.) I highly recommend reading some of Nathaniel Branden’s work. I also really enjoy Eckhart Tolle, Malcolm Gladwell, Don Miguel Ruiz and Wayne Dyer.
Of course, I love Netflix and HBO series too! I am currently streaming Ozark, Narcos, Euphoria and Friends (you have to add some lighthearted comedy in there, especially before going to bed!). I also really enjoy watching any kind of documentary, so any and all suggestions are welcome!
This may come as a surprise, but I started making music. I know, before you get carried away, when I say I am making music, I mean I am working on beats. I will leave the singing/rapping to my talented friends. Everything I create has an R&B, rap or hip-hop vibe to it which makes sense because those are my favourite genres of music to listen to. I also started playing the guitar again. I first started playing when I was younger, but over the last four years, due to my intense training, travel schedule and patience, I fell out of it. It has been nice revisiting an old hobby and while I’m still rusty, I’ve actually surprised myself with how much I do still remember.
And last but definitely not least, spending time with my family. The one thing I never have enough time for!
Disclosure: I haven’t started using TikTok… yet :)

The post Self-Isolation Diary: A Day in the Life of Bianca Andreescu appeared first on FASHION Magazine.

from FASHION Magazine

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